Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Adsense Tips: How to Increase Page CTR
An increase in CTR can mean a lot to AdSense Revenue. To increase AdSense revenue, either you have to increase traffic or increase CTR. If somehow, you manage to triple your CTR just by tweaking the Google AdSense code, that equals three times boost in your traffic. Here are a few tips for increasing your CTR.What Google AdSense Engineers say: - An email conversation with a Google Engineer:"Due to the dynamic nature of Google AdSense, fluctuations in your revenue will occur. Your earnings will depend on a number of factors, including the types of ads being served to your pages, the cost per click or cost per impression of these ads, and your users' click through selections. Regarding ad placement - the best ad format varies from page to page. We've observed that, in general, wider ads perform better because of their reader-friendly format. We strongly recommend putting your users first when deciding on ad placement. Think about their behavior on different pages, and what will be most useful and visible to them. You'll find that the most optimal ad position isn't always what you expect on certain pages."- Google Optimization Guide:For example, on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the end of the article tends to perform better. It's almost as if users finish reading and asking themselves, "What can I do next?" Precisely targeted ads are just like answering their questions.https://www.google.com/support/adsense/bin/static.py?page=tips.htmlWhat Webmasters have concludedWebmasters have very diverse views on how to increase CTR. It largely depends upon the keywords you are targeting, looks of your website, the quality of its content, placement of AdSense ads, page optimization and various other factors. Generally, AdSense blocks wrapped between the quality content works the best. For the websites having poor quality content, placing the Ads before the start of the content works best.If you develop a poor quality content website, it will likely give you high CTR and clicks, but you will be getting low priced ads and also nobody will like to add your url to their favorites. But if you have quality content, that keeps the visitors glued, you may get low CTR, but you will be getting high priced ads and regular visitors, too.Proper positioning of ads on your website has direct impact on your CTR. Change the location of the ads and watch changes in your CTR regularly. Try to locate the area of the page where the focus of the visitor can be. Generally, AdSense ads near the quality content or other crucial areas like navigation bar tend to perform better. But it really depends upon the keywords you are targeting, and the traffic you have. As the Google engineers say, more user friendly ads, more widespread tend to do better than towers and others.The TrafficAdSense comes after traffic. No traffic, no AdSense. Take a great care of your traffic. Your visitors expect some valuable information from you. Make sure you are providing quality content to them. This will increase your visitors' return back ratio. And only those visitors will return who are more targeted to the content you are providing. More targeted users mean more CTR. 85 percent of my visitors add my website urls in their Favorites, and most of them do return.Install a Website stats monitoring software and regularly look at your web logs, and get a handle on where your traffic is coming from. Try to establish a pattern or relation between your AdSense stats and your traffic stats, so that if there are any marked deviations you can make a judgment on why there has been an increase/decrease and what (if anything) you can do about it.This will give you new ideas to develop traffic.ExperimentsExperiment and experiment a lot, till you are satisfied with the tweaks you have done to achieve highest CTR. Track your page performance by making channels of ads in your AdSense Control Panel and experiment till you are satisfied with your CTR. Though, each such experiment will make you loose money for a day or two, as Google may take time to adjust with new changes, but it will be beneficial in long run.::this article is taken from http://adsense-high-paying-keywords.blogspot.com/
marketing strategy
Link Vault is an excellent website marketing strategy made up of a large group of quality websites. Each new member must bring to the network at least one high quality website and make available a few links slots for existing members. In return you receive 'Vaultage' which you use to receive links from the other members websites.Each website added to the network will be vetted by a person before any links are placed to ensure it meets the \strict quality guidelines. Should you wish to use your Vaultage quota to provide text link adverts to a website not in the system, then this website will also need to pass the vetting.Link Vault is completely free and the set up is straightforward, flexible and easily customized. All the links are static, unless you delete them or the site is removed. You also have full control over the number of text links you receive.Choose Link Vault - I have sent out emails to many asking for links and get only a small number of replies. Why not have a program that automates the task and even better still is not necessarily reciprocal.The Link Vault is a PHP or ASP program installed onto your site with some code onto each page that you want links on. The program then adds up to 5 links on each of your pages. You then get given links on other peoples websites based on the Google PR of your and their pages.The link vault is the new kid on the block - started April 2005. Until now, I have been using the Digitalpoint Coop as one method of getting additional links. Only problem is that the links are rotating, and Google is not so keen on links that are here today and showing somewhere else at the next moment. I have suffered with the Digitalpoint co-op - I have seen initial high rankings drop once Google has realized that the links are rotating.So when any existing player is not interested in changing, a new player always enters the market.The link vault has:* Permanent links - not rotating like the Digitalpoint co-op* You build up your weight based on the Google PR of each page that has links on it. Vaultage is updated every half hour and vaultage is evaluated as pages are visited. It is therefore good to send a robot around your pages. But since it takes a while for vaultage to be used up, it doesn't matter that the vaultage takes a while to accumulate.* You don't have to have links on every page - on the co-op you have to have links on every page.* Weight is based on an exponential formula similar to that of the Google PR, so you get lots more for a PR5 than you do a PR4 etc. I helped with deciding what formula to use.* Weight gets used up based on the PR of the page that links to you* Links are added up to a maximum 20 links per day for any one url - Google prefers a gradual increase in the number of back links. Any large increase in links speaks of spam according to the April 2005 Google patent application.* You have the ability to add up to 30 url's for Link Vault sites to link to per domain. Additional with the referral system. Each url can have up to 3 different link texts pointing at it at varying percentages.* A maximum of 5 of any one link , and a maximum of 20 links on any one domain - means there is not the risk of the Google same site penalty (too many links from any one site).* The programming prevents their being recipricol links* Any one site can't have links on more than 50% of the rest of the network* You can limit links to language (I recommend that you don't limit, so you get the most possible links. Especially while the link vault is only in its infancy).* Links and sites are personally vetted by link vault staff.* No adult, gambling, weapons, pharmaceuticals, spam, general website directories, 'offensive' websites.* Must be legal products, suitable for family audience, recognized by the main search engines, main index page recognized by search engines.* Links are first added to sites in your category - based on the demo top level categories. Then links are added to other sites within the Link Vault.* You get credit for the best PR of 20,000 of your pages* Every site you add to your account gets treated as a referral (see following post). I was instrumental in getting this feature added. Previously it was only on actual referrals.* You can specify that you don't get links from sites on your account to each other - this is important so that your sites don't get treated as being the same site by Google - in this case only site would get shown for a query.* You get shown the Link Vaultage that has been used for each of your pages receiving links - this is very useful in deciding when to stop adding links.* You get shown the total links that have added per domain, and number of url's you have per domain - able to access the links sorted by domain via a drop down menu.* Links are given to you in as fair a method as possible - PR0 links first, then ever increasing. The total number of links available and their PR's are known by the Link Vault. They then distribute these links in a pyramid fashion. ie With 40 links they will spread over 4 different levels of page value in a pyramid fashion.* The date is shown that you added the site and had it approved, and the date you added the url's to receive links (added around 20th May 05)* Clicking on the links does a Google search for that phrase.* If you take the max links down to less than what you already have - Example: one of the links set to a max of 100. It had 75 'links placed' then reduced max down to 50. Then the 'links placed' went down to 50. Those 25 links are removed are the most recent links added (being the highest vaultage). You get the vaultage given back to you.
Have I convinced you yet?For more informastion, please visit the original website that
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Cara Mendapatkan Uang Dollar
Secara singkat, AdSense adalah layanan iklan yg dimiliki oleh Google, dimana para pemilik situs dapat memasang iklan tersebut di situs2 mereka dan mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan. Iklan yg muncul bermacam-macam jenisnya, bisa berupa teks, gambar, bahkan video; namun yg pasti, semuanya menggunakan sistem kontekstual (contextual), dimana iklan tersebut akan relevan atau sesuai dengan isi halaman dimana iklan tersebut dipasang.
Seluruh iklan disimpan di server milik Google sendiri, sehingga kita tidak perlu menyediakan ruang khusus di server kita untuk AdSense, ataupun meng-upload file-file tertentu. Cukup dengan menyisipkan kode JavaScript yg diberikan pada halaman situs kita saja kita sudah dapat menikmati hadirnya iklan AdSense di situs kita.
Bagaimana Kita Mendapatkan Uang?
Seperti disebutkan di atas, dengan memasangkan iklan AdSense di situs mereka, pemilik situs memperoleh kesempatan untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan. Bagaimana caranya?
Tidak sulit. Yg perlu Anda, sebagai pemilik situs, lakukan adalah menunggu (dan berdoa) agar ada pengunjung yg meng-klik iklan2 tersebut. Ya, cukup dengan meng-klik saja, otomatis Anda, sebagai publisher AdSense, akan mendapatkan sejumlah uang yg nilai bagiannya diperhitungkan dari besarnya bid yg telah ditentukan oleh si pemasang iklan (advertisers). Meskipun ada faktor2 lain yg mempengaruhi, secara umum, bagian yg diperoleh publisher adalah 20% dari nilai bid.
Seperti disebutkan di atas, dengan memasangkan iklan AdSense di situs mereka, pemilik situs memperoleh kesempatan untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan. Bagaimana caranya?
Tidak sulit. Yg perlu Anda, sebagai pemilik situs, lakukan adalah menunggu (dan berdoa) agar ada pengunjung yg meng-klik iklan2 tersebut. Ya, cukup dengan meng-klik saja, otomatis Anda, sebagai publisher AdSense, akan mendapatkan sejumlah uang yg nilai bagiannya diperhitungkan dari besarnya bid yg telah ditentukan oleh si pemasang iklan (advertisers). Meskipun ada faktor2 lain yg mempengaruhi, secara umum, bagian yg diperoleh publisher adalah 20% dari nilai bid.
Setelah Anda mendaftarkan diri di Google AdSense dan diterima, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke Member Area Google AdSense. Di situ, selain tersedia tool untuk men-generate kode iklan yg dibutuhkan, juga terdapat halaman Report yg mencantumkan perolehan pendapatan Anda beserta jumlah klik yg didapatkan, jumlah tampilan iklan, dan info2 penting lainnya.
Bagaimana Pembayarannya?
Pembayaran akan dilakukan 30 hari setelah total pendapatan Anda dalam satu bulan mencapai minimal $100. Jadi apabila bulan Februari ini Anda memperoleh $100, maka penghasilan Anda tersebut akan dikirimkan pada akhir bulan Maret. Untuk Indonesia, pembayaran akan dikirimkan dalam bentuk cek dan Anda dapat memilih untuk menggunakan jasa pos ataupun DHL (Express Delivery) dalam proses pengiriman tersebut.
Pembayaran akan dilakukan 30 hari setelah total pendapatan Anda dalam satu bulan mencapai minimal $100. Jadi apabila bulan Februari ini Anda memperoleh $100, maka penghasilan Anda tersebut akan dikirimkan pada akhir bulan Maret. Untuk Indonesia, pembayaran akan dikirimkan dalam bentuk cek dan Anda dapat memilih untuk menggunakan jasa pos ataupun DHL (Express Delivery) dalam proses pengiriman tersebut.
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